Thursday, 5 January 2012

Frankenstein - Chapter 3

- Victor's parents resolve that he should now attend university at the age of 17. He has recieved a normal education in the schools of Geneva, and through his narrative he has proven to be an intelegent young man. He is enrolled into Ingolstadt university, well known at the time as a university where boundries were pushed in their respective fields of research.
- Elizabeth gets Scarlet fever, and Victor's mother cannot bare to watch her daughter become sicker, so she goes to see her, and Elizabeth recovers. Victor writes 'Elizabeth was saved', showing that he beleves his mother's presence alone saved his cousin's life. Reveals to the reader that he holds his mother in high reguard.
- His Mother then becomes ill herself, and he remembers that she 'died calmly, and in her countenance expressed affection even in death'. These qualities Victor bestowes upon his mother makes her seem almost too good to be true. This can chip away at the authenticity of his family background, and perhaps show biases when telling the story, all giving evidence towards a more unreliable narrator.
- Victor: 'I, who had ever been surrounded by amiable companions, continually engaged in endeavouring to bestow mutual pleasure...I was now alone'. This reflects childish thoughts in Victor. Where it is notable that he is still a young man, he is concidered in society as old enough to be away from home now.
- M. Krempe explains harshly to Victor, that the natural philosophers he has been studying are old and outdated, and instructs him to begin his studies anew. M Waldman is described as 'very unlike his colleague' as he has 'benevolence', which we later see is because he encourages Victor with his old-world philosophers. These two can be seen as the driving forces behind Victor's creation of the monster; one he is determined to prove wrong, the other he is determined to applease.
- Victor: 'I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation'.
- 'It Decided my future destiny' re-introduces Fate.
- Themes of Love & Loss, Childhood, Friendship, Ambition and Fate are used in this chapter.

1 comment:

  1. These are good comennts. Try to make them more concise by using bullet points.
